In UnForm 10, both Image Manager and DocFlow use internal archive libraries to manage documents within their activities.  These libraries store what is considered transient information, and therefore UnForm routinely purges obsolete recover folder files.  However, this purging is only for recover dates older than the oldest document in any given library.  To keep the size of this folder down, it is important to remove old documents in Image Manager and DocFlow interfaces.

An administrator can use the Image Manager interface to use the 'Assign Documents' option to locate obsolete entries and assign them to someone who can then use the delete toolbar button to remove a selection of documents.

Likewise, in DocFlow, an administrator can remove obsolete documents from any flow, though unfortunately one at a time.

It is also possible to use standard library management in the browser interface to purge records.  Administrators can search these libraries (the paths are "syslib/inbound/name" and "syslib/docflow/name"), and use Search, Bulk Action to transfer records to a temporary purge library, then remove that library.