Start with the UnForm server, but we've also seen SX machines run into it.
You can also reduce the number of tasks running on the SX side by changing the print scripts to run uf90cc rather than uf90c. The uf90c program is just a wrapper around the console client.
Also note that large batches can be submitted to unform using the -async option to uf90c/cc, which reduces unform server load. Async jobs are submitted to a queue and released in small batches, controlled by two [default] section parameters in uf90d.ini. Here are the release notes about that:
8/13/15 - Added two new parameters to uf90d.ini [defaults]: rpqinterval=seconds to set how often the rpq sweeper fires (default=5) rpqmaxjobs=count to set how many jobs can get released by the sweeper in one run. Use these values to control -async and tcp/ip submitted jobs to avoid excess system resource drain. See Configuration in the manual for more details.