Instructions on how to install MODI from an earlier version of Microsoft Office prior to Microsoft Office 2010.


The following steps are taken from the Microsoft Office 2007 installer.

Enter your product key at the prompt


Click the ‘Customize’ button

Select the ‘Not Available’ menu option for all of the main list items in the selection tree. This will insure that not of the previous versions applications get installed when installing MODI.



This is a screen shot of all list items check as ‘Not Available’.



Selecting the MODI components


1.  Click on the + to the left of ‘Office Tools’ to expand the menu

2.  Click on the + to the left of ‘Microsoft Office Document Imaging’ (MODI)

3.  Click on the dropdown arrow to the left of ‘Scanning, OCR and Indexing Service Filter’  and select the ‘Run from my computer’ menu option

4.  OPTIONAL: Click on the dropdown arrow to the left of ‘Microsoft Office Picture Manager’  and select the ‘Run from my computer’ menu option

5.  Click the ‘Install Now’ button

When the installation is complete, MODI will be installed.
