UnForm 9.0 uses a private instance of the Apache httpd server.  If the server doesn't seem to be running, you can check the UnForm logs directory for messages regarding failed Apache startup.  Here is a review of how Apache is configured in an UnForm Linux/Unix installation.

The ufsetup.sh program looks for common Apache httpd locations. If it finds Apache, it sets two variables in /usr/bin/uf90d: HTTPD and HTTPDHOME. These point to the Apache executable and the directory where Apache modules are stored (or the parent of a "modules" directory).  In most cases, this automatic configuration is all that is needed.

If there are issues with the automatic setup, you can manually configure the settings by entering two key values at the prompts issued by ufsetup.sh, as described next.

There are two key components of Apache configuration.  The first is the executable itself, typically though not necessarily named "httpd", and typically though not necessarily found in /sbin or /usr/sbin, or /bin or /usr/bin.  The second component is the location of the Apache modules, which are a suite of *.so files located in a directory.  UnForm needs to know the full path to the httpd program, and the directory where the *.so files reside.  The modules directory can either be the container of the *.so files, or a parent directory that contains a "modules" subdirectory where the *.so files reside.  One file you can look for that would indicate where modules reside is mod_cgi.so.

Once you have found these two items, you can run ufsetup.sh again.

Locating or Installing Apache

If you are unable to find the httpd executable file please be aware that depending on your Linux distribution or UNIX system the executable file may be called httpd, apache2 or even just apache, and it may be installed to various locations depending on the operating system. If you should find an executable named apache be aware that would be very old version and should probably be replaced with a newer version.  You can check the version by typing the executable with a -v option, such as /usr/local/bin/apache -v.

Following are various ways to find the apache executable:

# which httpd
# which apache2

If the response to the above commands does not offer any useful information you can try looking in some typical locations:

# ls -l /usr/sbin/httpd
# ls -l /usr/sbin/apache2

# ls -l /usr/local/bin/httpd
# ls -l /usr/local/bin/apache2

# ls -l /opt/bin/httpd
# ls -l /opt/bin/apache2

If neither of those commands yields a positive response, chances are that Apache is not installed. Linux distributions typically use one of two software package managers. RedHat based systems, i.e. CentOS. Fedora and others use the rpm package system. Apache may be installed by first searching for the package name, and then installing the package:

# yum search httpd
# yum install httpd.x86_64

For Debian based systems, i.e. Ubuntu, Mint and others you can use the apt commands:

# apt-cache search httpd|grep apache
# apt-get install apache2-bin

You will, of course, need to use root privileges to install apache using either method.

The ufsetup.sh script will also prompt for the location of the apache modules. The apache modules directory is usually, but not always, installed in the apache configuration directory which usually may be found in the /etc directory and may be called either /etc/httpd or /etc/apache2. If you are unable to find the apache modules directory you can try the following commands:

# locate http | grep modules
# locate apache2 | grep modules

which should yield a list of lines containing the location of the modules directory.


Further information about Apache configuration under UnForm is available in the manual, on this page:
